Workplace Culture

Curiosity in the Workplace

A Superpower at Risk

Author:  Wendy Loewen

Curiosity isn’t just a skill – it’s a superpower. It makes us smarter, primes us for future learning, and even enhances our memory. But here’s the troubling part: We’re losing it.

As children, we bombard the world with “why” questions, but our curiosity fades somewhere along the way. This isn’t just true for some of us – it’s universal. Like losing our baby teeth or finding our first gray hairs, the decline of curiosity is a reality for all of us.

The pressure and pace of life push us to “get things done” rather than pause and wonder.

Why does this happen? There isn’t one straightforward answer, but several factors contribute to this decline. Schools often reward answers over questions. The pressure and pace of life push us to “get things done” rather than pause and wonder. And so, slowly but surely, curiosity gets squeezed out.

The Impact of Lost Curiosity in the Workplace

When we enter the workforce, the message to “get things done” is reinforced. Productivity is often valued over thoughtful questioning. We become so focused on executing tasks that we rarely pause to ask why we do things the way we do or how we might improve.

This discomfort with curiosity is exacerbated when leaders perceive questions as a threat. Employees may hesitate to challenge the status quo or propose new ideas, fearing they will be seen as disruptive rather than innovative. Without curiosity, workplaces become stagnant. Engagement drops, collaboration weakens, and opportunities for learning and growth diminish.

Studies show that curiosity in the workplace leads to higher engagement, better decision-making, and more innovative problem-solving. Yet, despite its benefits, many organizations undervalue curiosity in favour of efficiency. Over time, this mindset leads to rigid thinking, resistance to change, and a workplace culture that prioritizes execution over exploration.

Employees may hesitate to challenge the status quo or propose new ideas, fearing they will be seen as disruptive rather than innovative.

But the consequences of lost curiosity aren’t confined to office walls. When we stop asking questions in one area of life, we’re more likely to stop in others, limiting our ability to engage meaningfully in the world around us.

Beyond the Workplace: A More Just and Equitable Society

Curiosity isn’t just about personal growth or fostering dynamic workplaces, it’s also essential for creating a more just and equitable society. Curious people are more patient, more willing to listen, and more open to ideas that challenge their own. Imagine the impact of a world where we approached other people’s opinions with curiosity instead of judgement. Could curiosity be the antidote to our increasingly polarized world?

Cultivating curiosity isn’t a passive process. Rather, it’s like a muscle that requires regular exercise. It’s about recognizing not only that there are things we might overlook, but that they’re bigger than we think. This brings us to an important question: How do we practically build curiosity in our lives?

Rebuilding Curiosity Starts with Humility

So, how do we bring curiosity back? Psychologist George Loewenstein described curiosity as the gap between what we know and what we want to know. But here’s the catch: We have to admit that a gap exists. And that takes humility.

Our culture prizes confidence. Confident people are promoted, admired, and trusted. But perhaps it’s time to rethink what it means to be trustworthy. Just because someone is an expert in one domain does not make them an authority in another. I don’t go to my doctor for renovation advice, yet we often assume that expertise in one field implies competence in unrelated areas.

Many of the smartest people I know are humble, embracing the idea that “The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know.” True intelligence isn’t marked by unwavering certainty but by a willingness to explore, to question, and to reconsider. In contrast, those who claim to have all the answers often lack the curiosity that drives real learning. Shouldn’t we place our trust in those who are not just knowledgeable, but also open – who acknowledge the limits of their understanding and embrace what they don’t yet know?

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The Call to Action

If we want to live fuller lives, nurture better relationships, and heal divides, we must reclaim curiosity. Start small: Ask “why” more often, seek out perspectives that challenge your own, and approach each day with the mindset that the world still has more to teach you.

Most importantly, embrace humility. Know that there are gaps in your knowledge and be willing to admit when you’re wrong. It’s not a weakness – it’s a strength that paves the way for deeper understanding and connection.

Curiosity is a superpower we can all reclaim. When we embrace it with humility, we unlock deeper understanding, stronger relationships, and new possibilities – not just for ourselves, but for the world around us.


Wendy Loewen

Managing Director

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