Workplace Culture

The Culture Question: Book and Survey

Four members of ACHIEVE’s leadership team – Randy Grieser, Eric Stutzman, Wendy Loewen, and Michael Labun – are finalizing ACHIEVE Publishing’s most recent book titled, The Culture Question: How to Create a Workplace Where People Like to Work. The formal release date of the book will be in January of 2019. However, the book is available for pre-order now and will be shipped in early December.

The Culture Question Summary
Unfortunately, far too many people don’t like where they work. Some organizations are unhealthy and full of disrespectful behavior. Other workplaces are simply uninspiring. For many reasons, countless people feel trapped, indifferent, or bored at work.

The authors of this book believe that people should be able to like where they work. When employees like the places they work, it’s not only good for their mental health and well-being, it’s also good for their organizations – financially and otherwise. When a workplace culture is purposeful, respectful, and inspiring, employees are happier, more productive, and committed to their organizations

By exploring six elements that make up a healthy workplace culture, The Culture Question answers two fundamental questions: “How does your organization’s culture impact whether people like where they work, and what can you do to improve it?”

This book will help you discover how to create workplace where people like to work by focusing on these six elements of a healthy workplace culture:

Communicate Your Purpose & Values. Employees are inspired when they work in an organization whose purpose and values resonate with them.

Provide Meaningful Work. Most employees desire to work on projects that inspire them, connect them to what they are good at, and allow them to grow.

Focus Your Leadership Team on People. How leaders relate to their employees plays a major role in how they feel about their workplace.

Build Meaningful Relationships. When employees like the people they work with and for, they are more satisfied and more engaged in their work.

Create Peak Performing Teams. Most of the valuable things an organization accomplishes are not done individually, but within the context of a team.

Practice Constructive Conflict Management. When leaders don’t handle conflict quickly and well, it quickly sours the workplace.

The book also draws from “The Culture Question Survey,” which includes perspectives from both employees and leaders about what makes a great place to work, and what doesn’t. 2,401 people responded to the survey. Participants where asked to identify whether they like where they work or not, and then correlate those responses to a series of statements related to workplace culture. Results, insights, and quotes from the survey are woven into the chapters and serve to provide added depth to the book. A more detailed analysis of the survey can already be found on our ACHIEVE Publishing website.

In the coming months, excerpts from the book will be shared on ACHIEVE’s blog. The authors are excited about being able to inspire learning and improve lives through the sharing of these resources.

Remember, you can pre-order your book now.


Randy Grieser

Founder & Advisor

Eric Stutzman

Chief Executive Officer

Wendy Loewen

Managing Director

Randy, Eric, Wendy, and Mike are co-authors of the books The Culture Question: How to Create a Workplace Where People Like to Work and A Little Book About Workplace Culture. These books are available on our website.

Mike Labun

Trainer, AACHIEVE Centre for Learning

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