Live Virtual Workshops

Leadership Insights

Ideas to Take You Further

December 04, 2024
(10:00 AM - 01:00 PM CT )
$199.00 (regular rate)
$179.00 (*early rate)
Location: Online Virtual
*early rate expires 11/13/2024
Continuing Education
Credit Hours (CEC)


Leadership Insights - Live Virtual - December 4, 2024; 10am-1pm Central Time

Early rate expires 11/13/2024

Quantity: 1 $ 179.00
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Great leaders intentionally search for new ideas, and they know they must keep growing in order to be effective in an ever-changing world. Based on our book, Don’t Blame the Lettuce: Insights to Help You Grow as a Leader and Nurture Your Workplace Culture, this workshop explores a variety of specialized leadership topics that will help you meet challenges and respond to opportunities in new and different ways. Participants will be encouraged to explore ideas about leadership in ways that will strengthen their leadership practices and help them nurture a healthy workplace culture.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion, participants should be able to:

  • Understand what it means for them to set the right tone for their organization
  • Refine their approach to communication from a leadership perspective, including say ‘no’ and discussing uncomfortable topics
  • Take the lead with emotional authenticity in the workplace
  • Delegate more effectively
  • Navigate leadership transitions

Method of Delivery

Presentation, video, case study examples, personal reflection, delivered electronically.

*Please allow only the registered individual(s) to view the materials.

Some of the Topics Included

  • Setting the Right Tone and Leading with Integrity
  • Communicating Like You’re Always On
  • Taking the Time to Listen
  • Talking About the Elephant in the Room
  • Advancing Your Vision by Saying No
  • Encouraging Dissenting Voices
  • Taking the Lead in Emotional Authenticity
  • Getting Workplace Rituals Right
  • Leading in Uncertain Times
  • Navigating Leadership Transitions
  • Delegation for the Right Reasons
  • Leading with a Sense of Urgency

Target Audience

This is an intermediate-advanced level workshop for leaders, managers, supervisors, and anyone providing leadership within an organization.

Terms & Conditions

View our cancellation policy and other information regarding your live virtual workshop or for your in-person workshop.

This is a live virtual event, please check your system requirements prior to registering.

Trainer: Eric Stutzman

Chief Executive Officer

Eric is the Chief Executive Officer of ACHIEVE Centre for Leadership and co-author of The Culture Question and Don't Blame the Lettuce. He is a caring and insightful leader who believes that building authentic relationships is the best way to lead people effectively. Eric has provided leadership in the field of conflict resolution and mediation since completing a degree in Sociology with a focus on mediation and peacemaking. He is a Chartered Mediator and a past president of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Manitoba. Prior to working with ACHIEVE, Eric was an administrator, board chair, senior mediator, trainer, and lead negotiator for a variety of other organizations. He believes that the best leaders and employees turn their minds first to listening with curiosity, and never put operations before people. Eric is a gifted trainer and speaker who makes material come alive for participants through humour, storytelling, and real-world application. Eric’s thoughts on leadership and organizational culture can be found here. Contact Eric at: [email protected] 204-783-2069

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