Workplace Culture

Employee Appreciation Day – Make the Most of March 4

The greeting card companies have missed an opportunity, but that doesn’t mean we have to. Somewhere between Valentine’s Day and St Patty’s day lies a free pass for anyone looking to celebrate the importance of teamwork and leadership! March 4 is Employee Appreciation Day and leaders everywhere should take action.

The good leader sees March 4 on the calendar and says, “I appreciate my employees every day.”

The great leader looks at March 4 on the calendar and says, “Of course I want my employees to know and appreciate the value they bring to the team.”


The effective leader sees Employee Appreciation Day and takes action to capitalize on a calendar-delivered leadership opportunity.

Employee Appreciation Day offers itself up as the perfect platform to celebrate some of the essential foundations of everyday leadership principles, including recognizing the importance of starting at the core.

WHY will you lead Employee Appreciation Day?

  • Because great leaders value all members of their team and believe that good work, loyalty, and mutual respect deserves to be celebrated.

HOW will you lead Employee Appreciation Day?

  • By capitalizing on a designated appreciation day, leaders in their workplaces highlight the value they place on team members all year long.

WHAT will you do on Employee Appreciation Day?

  • Thoughtful gestures, motivational activities and inspirational messages of appreciation and gratitude led by workplace leaders will reinforce that although only one day is formally designated for employee appreciation, employees are valued year-round.

Informal and aspiring leaders take note! You don’t have to hold the title of supervisor, director or manager to “lead the employee appreciation charge.” Leadership means being an initiator, a contributor, or a representative of the climate you want reflected in your workplace and among your team.

If you are an employee under the umbrella of more formalized leadership, don’t miss the chance to relay your appreciation and respect to your fellow workers, to celebrate your own contributions as an employee, and to encourage others to “self celebrate.” Every great leader, regardless of their title, knows the power behind people feeling valued and being able to see themselves as part of a larger organizational purpose.

If you are a designated leader, pay homage and be thankful for what both the research and employees tell us. Bigger budgets and higher pay (albeit nice) are not dominant motivators for what people bring to their workplace and have even less influence on why people do what they do. Feeling valued, feeling connected to their work and their coworkers, and a sense that their presence in the workplace has influence on the success of the bigger picture; these are what matter more.

Consider this… even if we love and appreciate Mom all year long, we gratefully take the opportunity to reinforce that on Mother’s Day. Even if we respect and value Dad all year long we choose to formally celebrate on Father’s Day.

Employee Appreciation Day hands you an opportunity. A great leader won’t miss it!

For more FREE RESOURCES, visit our resources page. 


Sheri Coburn

Trainer, ACHIEVE Centre for Learning

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