Workplace Culture

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Workplace Culture

What Are Your Workplace Rituals?

Workplace rituals are defining events that repeat themselves in the life cycle of an organization, and they reflect and communicate its values and priorities in powerful ways.

Workplace Culture

What To Do About Cliques

We all enjoy having friends at work and being part of a group. After all, we are social creatures and...

Workplace Culture

Why Do You Work?

Excerpt from The Culture Question: Why do you work? Why does anyone work? Ask your friends and coworkers, and you...

Workplace Culture

Why Meeting Norms Matter

In my work as a school board superintendent, I had the great privilege of leading and participating with many teams....

Workplace Culture

Why Organizations Should Embrace DEI Principles

Organizations that embody DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) principles are stronger because they foster more inclusive work environments that honour and support people’s differences.

Workplace Culture

Why Our Connections at Work Matter

Disconnection in the workplace creates barriers to communication, causing people to withdraw and withhold information because they are working in isolation.

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