Live Virtual Workshops

Time Management

September 25, 2024
(10:00 AM - 01:00 PM CDT )
$149.00 (regular rate)
$129.00 (*early rate)
Location: Online Virtual
Trainer Tammy Berry
*early rate expires 09/04/2024
Continuing Education
Credit Hours (CEC)

Time Management - Live Virtual - September 25, 2024; 10am-1pm Central Time

Early rate expires 09/04/2024

Quantity: 1 $ 129.00
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Most of us have experienced the feeling that there is not enough time to do everything we need to do. Our workplaces demand productive employees, and the ability to manage time well greatly affects the amount and quality of work we are able to produce. Developing effective skills in time management empowers people to deal with the conflicting priorities faced every day. This workshop teaches skills for setting priorities, getting organized, and achieving goals. Participants will learn to optimize their time and enhance their ability to deliver results.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion, participants should be able to:

  • Reflect on current time management practices and beliefs
  • Identify time management strengths and weaknesses
  • Develop strategies to improve time management

Method of Delivery

Presentation, video, personal reflection, delivered electronically.

*Please allow only the registered individual(s) to view the materials.

Some of the Topics Included

  • What Successful Time Management Requires
  • Time Management Self Assessment
  • Common Time Wasters
  • Identifying Your Barriers to Productivity
  • Creating New Habits
  • Dealing with Procrastination
  • Getting and Staying Organized
  • Prioritizing and Taking Action

Target Audience

This is an introductory level workshop designed to help individuals better manage their time, acquire organizational skills, and pursue goals.

Terms & Conditions

View our cancellation policy and other information regarding your live virtual workshop or for your in-person workshop.

This is a live virtual event, please check your system requirements prior to registering.

Trainer: Tammy Berry

Tammy holds a Bachelors degree in Education and is a certified Adult Educator. She is an enthusiastic and personable presenter with over fifteen years of experience in a variety of adult education forums. Tammy draws on her knowledge from educational leadership roles, mental health facilitation and personal coaching to deliver enriching and thought provoking presentations. Tammy values workplaces committed to a growth mindset. She believes that building positive relationships, fostering understanding and empowering individuals is at the heart of great organizations. Tammy's passion, warmth and excitement for professional learning and personal growth is contagious.

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