Private Training

Team Development

1 day

About this Workshop

Without cohesive teams, workplaces inevitably struggle to accomplish their goals. If your team is experiencing a transition, conflict, or lacks a well-defined identity, it can be beneficial for its members to review team dynamics and establish new processes with the help of an outside facilitator. This workshop will help teams consider where they need to improve in order to move forward to achieve their goals. The process will benefit and strengthen either existing, forming, or changing teams.

Please Note: This workshop is for existing small teams of not more than 20. The workshop is highly interactive and focuses on understanding and working through team dynamics.

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Target Audience

This is an introductory-intermediate level workshop for existing teams.

Method of Delivery

Presentation, video, personal reflection, and small group discussions.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the strengths and contributions of each team member
  • Become aligned as a team
  • Create a working plan to improve team performance

Note: A printed manual for this workshop is included, and received at the event.

Topics Included

  • Guidelines for Team Development
  • Assessing Your Team’s Profile and Health
  • External Obstacles to Team Functioning
  • Internal Obstacles to Team Functioning
  • Guiding Team Principles
  • Components of a Functional Team
  • Establishing Purpose and Mission of the Team
  • Understanding Roles and Responsibilities
  • Making Team Meetings Work
  • How to Make Decisions
  • Maintaining a Respectful Workplace

Private Training

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