Private Training

Mindfulness at Work

1 day

About this Workshop

All workplaces have times when there are increased demands and challenges that result in high levels of personal and organizational stress. Unfortunately, these times often lead to a decrease in focus and productivity. Mindfulness is an effective tool that can help you cultivate greater focus, productivity, resiliency, and wellness at work. It gives you the skills to respond rather than react to various challenges and stressors, enabling you to tap into your full potential in all areas of your life. Mindfulness is both something to practice and a way of being that allows you to make small shifts in your thinking. This experiential workshop will give participants the tools to be fully present in the moment while accessing greater discernment, clarity, and feelings of calm in the midst of a busy work-life.

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Target Audience

This is an introductory-intermediate level workshop for employees, teams, managers, and leaders who want to develop mindfulness skills in order to increase their focus, resilience, wellbeing, and performance at work.

Method of Delivery

Presentation, video, experiential practice, personal reflection, and small group discussions.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Define how mindfulness can support your work
  • Describe steps to integrate mindfulness into your daily life and work
  • Implement a variety of mindfulness practices for greater focus, productivity, calm, and overall well-being

Note: A printed manual for this workshop is included, and received at the event.

Topics Included

  • What Is Mindfulness?
  • Benefits of Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness Practice: Meditation, Stillness, Breath, Movement
  • 10 Qualities of Mindful Individuals
  • Three Main Components of Compassion for Self and Others
  • Nine Ways to Cultivate Mindfulness at Work

Private Training

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