Private Training

Leading Teams Remotely (old topic, deleted 10-19-23)

½ day

About this Workshop

Working remotely has become a sudden reality for many workplaces. Leaders who were used to leading in person have had to shift to working with their teams remotely, with little to no prior preparation. In order to lead effectively in this new environment, leaders must change some of their practices. Fortunately, we have already learned a great deal about what works well for managing remote teams in the current environment as well as through historical best practices. This workshop presents the essential principles and best practices of remote leadership, while exploring potential pitfalls and opportunities that come from leading remotely. Participants will be challenged to apply the principles from this workshop to how they lead their own teams in their unique environments.

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Target Audience

This workshop is for all leaders, managers, supervisors, and anyone providing leadership within an organization.

Method of Delivery

Presentation, video, case study examples, personal reflection, and small group discussions.

Private Training

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