Private Training

Employee Engagement

½ day

About this Workshop

When employees are not actively engaged at work, not only do they suffer – the organization does as well. Workplaces with high levels of engagement have employees that are committed and feel a connection to the organization. Engaged employees are willing to use discretionary time, brainpower, and effort beyond what is expected of them. This workshop explores how employee engagement occurs more readily when employees are respected and cared for, when they do tasks that bring them satisfaction, and when they work in an organization that makes a difference. Participants will learn unique insights for increasing engagement and be challenged to think critically about their approach to employee engagement.

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Target Audience

This is an intermediate level workshop for leaders, managers, supervisors, human resource personnel, and anyone who influences engagement in the workplace.

Method of Delivery

Presentation, video, case study examples, personal reflection, and small group discussions.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the signs of employee engagement within their organization
  • Define traditional and current ways of thinking about engagement
  • Assess the levels of employee engagement within their own organization
  • Implement strategies for creating and maintaining employee engagement

Note: A printed manual for this workshop is included, and received at the event.

Topics Included

  • Employee Engagement Defined
  • The Difference Between Motivation and Engagement
  • The Three Levels of Engagement
  • Traditional Views About Engagement
  • Unintended Consequences of Punishments and Rewards
  • New Views About Engagement
  • Focus on Leadership and Culture
  • Characteristics of Highly Engaged Workplaces
  • Employee Engagement Assessment
  • Six Crucial Keys Required for Engagement
  • Strategies for Improving Engagement

Private Training

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