Private Training

Stress Management

1 day

About this Workshop

In many organizations it is common to find employees suffering from the adverse effects of stress. Left unmanaged, stress can lead to unproductive patterns and result in loss of focus, motivation, and productivity. This workshop will help participants identify personal stress factors and introduce them to practical methods for successfully managing stress. Participants will have the opportunity to develop a personalized plan that enables them to function at their best in the work environment.

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Target Audience

This is an introductory-intermediate level workshop.

Method of Delivery

Presentation, video, experiential practice, personal reflection, and small group discussions.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Analyze and identify the various components of stress
  • Become aware of your own stress levels
  • Develop skills and an action plan to manage stress

Topics Included

  • Phases of Stress
  • Stressors in the Workplace
  • Unhealthy Reactions to Stress
  • Stress Test – Assessing Your Experience
  • Red Flags – Your Cues to Pause
  • Improving Positive Thinking
  • Healthy Coping Strategies
  • Organizational Strategies to Support Stress Management

Private Training

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