Private Training

Experiential Leadership

1 day

About this Workshop

Is your team looking for something different than the traditional classroom-style approach to leadership development? Reading the latest leadership bestseller can be inspiring and informative, but it often doesn’t impact how we lead as much as we would like. Leadership isn’t a theory or an idea – it’s a lived reality. This workshop features an experiential approach that gets participants in on the action by immersing them in structured interactive activities that will help them build insights about leadership. Using items such as ping pong balls and Lego, participants will be challenged to exercise their leadership skills and rethink what they believe about how to lead others.

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Target Audience

This workshop is suited for a broad audience and will appeal to anyone in a leadership or managerial role within an organization, as well as those who are aspiring to strengthen their personal influence in their workplace.

Method of Delivery

A series of in-person facilitated activities, including personal reflection and group discussion.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Apply numerous personalized leadership insights to their context
  • Articulate a greater self-awareness of their own leadership views
  • Display greater empathy for leaders with different styles
  • Meaningfully contribute to a leadership peer group

Topics Included

  • The Three Brain Warm-Up Game
  • Creating a Leadership Insight Gallery
  • The Lego Building Challenge
  • Communicating as a Leader
  • Leading One-On-One
  • Exercise in Leading Teams
  • Leading through Systems and Culture
  • Leadership Peer Groups
  • Giving and Receiving Advice as a Leader
  • Applying Insights to Real Life Challenges

Private Training

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