Private Training

Emotional Intelligence

½ or 1 day

About this Workshop

Why do some people have trouble being effective in their roles or working well with others? It is usually not because they lack skills; rather, it is often because they lack emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence has a far greater impact on people’s ability to be productive and work well with others than cognitive intelligence. Emotionally intelligent people are able to identify and assess their emotions and those of others, and then use that information to guide their actions and influence the actions of others. This workshop reviews how to utilize emotional intelligence more effectively through self-assessment and skill development exercises. Participants will learn strategies that will increase their ability to engage with others and expand their influence.

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Target Audience

This is an introductory-intermediate level workshop.

Method of Delivery

Presentation, video, case study exercises, experiential practice, personal reflection, and small group discussions.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the concept of emotional intelligence, and explain why it matters and how to develop it
  • Explain how their influence is connected to their emotional intelligence
  • Recognize and master their own emotions
  • Identify and respond to the emotions of others with intelligence

Topics Included

  • Key Aspects of Emotional Intelligence
  • Why Emotional Intelligence Matters
  • The Emotional Culture of Your Workplace
  • Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment
  • Knowing and Mastering Your Emotions
  • Recognizing Others’ Emotions
  • Influencing Others’ Emotions


Half-day version: The half-day version provides an introduction and overview of emotional intelligence focusing on directing the participants own emotions and influencing others. Some time is allocated to self-reflection and skill building.

One-day version: The full-day version is extended to explore empathy and the understanding of other’s emotions. It also provides a more in-depth look at the components of emotional intelligence and includes numerous interactive exercises.

Private Training

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