Training Topic

Critical Incident Group Debriefing

Critical incidents are situations that occur outside of our normal frame of reference and challenge us to understand and cope with what has happened. Critical Incident Group Debriefing (CIGD) is a short-term group intervention process that focuses on an immediate event. CIGD is one of several methods that may be utilized to lessen the likelihood of people experiencing symptoms of trauma and stress after a critical incident. This group debriefing process provides a place for participants to talk and share experiences, and for the facilitator to teach and provide information about the impact of critical incidents. While participants of this workshop will learn how to facilitate a group debriefing, they will also learn how to discern when CIGD is appropriate for a group and when it might not be a suitable intervention.
Note, this topic is presented by our partner company, Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI). Links on this page will direct you to our CTRI’s site for more information and purchasing..


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