On-Demand Workshops

Dealing with Difficult People

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Continuing Education
Credit Hours (CEC)

We all encounter people we find difficult, and typically conversations with them leave us feeling stressed and frustrated. This workshop explores what is happening in those exchanges and demonstrates how people can adapt their strategies to bring about more productive conversations with those they find difficult. Individual approaches for dealing with difficult people will be discussed, with an emphasis on understanding and adapting one’s approach to create different results. Participants will explore how to deal with patterns of passive-aggressiveness, resistance, and chronic anger, and how to begin to change difficult patterns using a straightforward, five-step approach.

Trainer: Shelly Qualtieri,

Each on-demand purchase is for one viewer. Please purchase one copy per viewer.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Understand their own areas of influence and control in their difficult relationships with others
  • See how their personal style may impact their conversation with a person they find difficult
  • Apply a practical approach for dealing with four different types of difficult people, including the Chronically Angry Person, the Resistant Person, the Passive Aggressive Person, and the Bullying Person
  • Develop a plan to positively engage with a difficult person they have identified

Note: An e-manual for this workshop is included in purchase.

Some of the Topics Reviewed

  • Who is a Difficult Person?
  • Shift Judgment to Curiosity
  • The Cycle of Escalating Difficult Behaviour
  • Approaches for Dealing with Difficult People
  • Strategies for Dealing with Bullying Behaviour
  • Skills for Dealing with the Passive-Aggressive Person
  • How to Defuse the Angry Person
  • Strategies for Dealing with the Resistant Person

Target Audience

This is an introductory-intermediate level workshop.

Completing Workshop

Upon viewing the entire workshop, you will be prompted to take a 30 to 60-question test over the content, and then you will receive a participation certificate. Please allow 30-60 minutes to complete the test.

Trainer: Shelly Qualtieri

Shelly is a former trainer and blog contributor. Read blogs written by Shelly here.

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