Have you signed up for our Free Conflict to Collaboration Webinar April 22? Register Now!

Leading Through Conflict

When leaders fail to respond to conflict quickly and effectively, the people they lead suffer and workplace performance plummets. Unresolved and poorly managed conflict creates dramatic human and financial costs for organizations. When dealing with conflict, many leaders feel stuck and worry about getting sucked into the drama that it can create in a workplace – they know that a leader’s response can inflict further damage. However, leadership’s response can also improve a team’s health and productivity. This presentation illustrates how leaders can stop the drama, and provides insights and strategies for leading through conflict with clarity and confidence.

Alternative Title: Conflict Resolution Insights for Leaders; Avoid the Drama Trap – How to Focus More on Work, Not Conflict
Target Audience: Leaders and human resource professionals


Keynote Speaking Fees

Speaking fee will depend on a variety of factors including:


  • Size of group
  • Location of event
  • Nature of organization (e.g. not-for-profit or for profit)

Request a Quote

Photo of Chantel Runtz

Contact Chantel Runtz, Director of Customer Journey, to discuss your needs or to receive a detailed quote by email at chantel@achievecentre.com.